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вот оригинал:
Моя страничка
We have done this on other servers and it has been very interesting to see how the server changes from week to week while we do this. My goal in doing this is to create an environment where people stop calling us 'friend' and look at us as absolute neutral.

mer·ce·nary, n,
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin mercenarius, irregular from merced-, merces wages -- more at MERCY
: one that serves merely for wages; especially : a soldier hired into foreign service

What does this mean for you?
Current Friends - can no longer expect us to help you for free.
Current Enemies - you can expect us to treat you as you treat us, dont want to pvp us? pk by us? Let me know and we will consider you a neutral clan who may someday hire us.

We are open for business on 9 June 06

Sieges: MERC will fight for you in a siege! Offence, defence, both, neither... it doesnt matter. Give me your goals, and we will help make it happen. 30kk for up to 50 players (as you can see by my SS in last siege, we had around 40) Note: This is meant to give a boost to whoever hires us, not do the entire siege for them.

PvP: Not open yet

Assassinations: Want someone killed? Afraid to drop your items? Is the mark to high level for you to take down? Has many friends? Leave it to us!! 3kk to start, prices may vary depending on the target and location.
Note: No, you may not hire us to PK ourselves

999999+: Want to make a PK run? Imagine a full party to support you in your quest to spread chaos! Bishop, Elven Elder, Shilen Elder, Prophet, SwordSinger, BladeDancer, 2 armed escorts and you. You get to kill anyone or anything you want to while fully buffed and healed, no one can stop you! Bring those karma points up! 20kk/ 20 minutes.

Res: High level and died? Dont want to lose much %? Just did one of our 999999+ ? The highest level res the game has to offer - 500k - 1kk per res, depending on location.




организовывают любые платные услуги? за бесплатно теперь не помогают союзникам?

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